Agency Publications

Featured Publications

Strategic Plans

WSLCB Strategic Plan 2024-2029
This plan represents our agency roadmap for the coming five years, where we will place resources, and how we will apply strategies for success.

WSLCB  Enforcement and Education Division Strategic Plan 2022-2026
This plan is intended to serve as a guide for our role in regulating and supporting a safe and vibrant marketplace in the State of Washington. It outlines the objectives, priorities, and strategies for 2022 - 2026.

WSLCB Information Technology Strategic Plan 2022-2026
This plan represents our current agency technology roadmap. The plan in action will allow us to make business-driven decisions related to our current technology portfolio and position the enterprise for future technology investments in support of our agency mission.

General Information

Agency Communications

Business Resources

  • Tobacco Sales in Washington: Key Facts for Retailers and Distributors (brochure)


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